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Pregnancy #2: Weeks 14-16

Hey friends! I’m *still* catching up on my pregnancy recaps but I’m almost there! Today, I’m recapping Weeks 14-16, which is basically Thanksgiving to Christmas break! 

Week 14: 

This is really the week I turned the corner last pregnancy and started to feel “normal” again. Week 14 started at the end of November, after I had shaken off the Thanksgiving funk (from flying halfway across the country for 72 hours with a toddler who doesn’t “get” time zones, plus eating pretty indulgent)! 

I had committed to doing the Runners World Run Streak, which involved running at least a mile a day between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was also preparing for a half marathon, and hadn’t shared my pregnancy with many people yet, so I kept my runs pretty low mileage (1-4 miles per day) and just enjoyed having energy again! 

Week 15:

This was the week I shared my pregnancy news! Oh boy, I was excited! I ran the Mount Juliet (TN) Holiday Half Marathon rocking a “Baby on Board” tank, and had a great time! This was the furthest I’ve run while pregnant, and I felt great for most of the run. I probably went out too fast, and got really upset when the bathrooms that were promised at Mile 3 were non-existent (thanks to the local 7-11 for letting me use their bathroom), but I am so happy I did that race! My finish time was 1:54 and I literally missed an age group place by 2 seconds! Whoops! It’s my slowest half to date, but I’m so proud that I finished that race! 

I can’t tell you how much I appreciated all the comments and warm wishes when I shared our big news at the finish line! I don’t think I could have kept it a secret much longer. I was starting to feel more and more bloated, and the “mommy tummy” look was becoming more obvious! 

Week 16: 

This week was especially memorable because I felt Baby Boy’s first kicks! I felt Grace pretty early (late 17/early 18 weeks), but was surprised to feel him so soon. 

The start of Week 16 marked the start of our Christmas vacation, so I got to spend a lot of time with Casey and Grace. We submitted our final grad school applications that week...ironically, my goal was to have those done in October but #firsttrimester haha. We took a few day trips around the area, including Opryland, and prepped for our Florida vacation. 

Overall Baby Growth: By week 16, he was 4 inches long from head to booty! 

Mommy Growth: Started “popping,” and I’m definitely carrying high again. At the end of Week 16, I was up 6.5 pounds. I gained just under 25 pounds with Grace, but started this pregnancy lighter than I started my first. So, I’m expecting to gain more this time around!

Cravings: Breakfast food! It’s really one of my only true pregnancy cravings both times. I’m loving sausage/egg/cheese sandwiches and cereal and milk! 

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