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Pregnancy #2: 20 Weeks

Annnnd, finally, I can do week-by-week pregnancy updates! Whoop! This is what I intended to do from the beginning, but that first trimester exhaustion really took hold and destroyed my desire to write. I think we all can relate! 

Week Recap: 

So anyway...Week 20 led right into a 5-day weekend! After a relatively painless workday on Thursday, we got to hunker down for a snowy MLK weekend. We saw our friends Lauren & Jordan and their new baby Ryder on Friday before our little town shut down due to snow. Saturday was pretty much spent at home, with the roads still icy and the temps still well below freezing. I did escape to the gym during G’s morning nap, which was great! I got 40 minutes on the treadmill with 2 bathroom stops...ha! On Sunday, Casey got to do a long-ish treadmill run at the gym and I stayed home with Grace. We ventured to Sam’s Club and got groceries. So yeah. Super exciting weekend! 

On Monday Casey went into work for a while, and I took Grace outside for a run. We had snow on the forecast again for Tuesday, so I anticipated being stuck home all day. Well, my prediction came true! Casey had to leave for work trip on Tuesday morning, so it was me and Grace allllll day at home. We got outside for some snow play, which she LOVED! 

She was super sweet and cuddly, so I gave up my “me” time to let her nap on my chest all afternoon. 

Wednesday was back to work :( Despite a late start around the area, I took advantage of daycare opening at normal hour and dropped Grace off to get to the gym. So necessary! 

Baby update: Little Man is about 10 inches and 10 ounces, and he moves SO MUCH! My belly appears to be “high” again like it was with Grace, but I feel him squirm around pretty low. I feel more big movements now vs little kicks and jabs. 

Mommy update: Belly is growing, and I’m up just about 10.5 pounds. Yes, my weight dropped a little since last week. I decided to do a mini-Whole 30 starting this week, mainly because I was carrying over some bad eating habits from Christmas break. I’m not a Whole 30 purist, so I am still enjoying some honey in my coffee because #singlemomming. Can you blame me!?! So far it’s definitely helped me get away from snacking on junk all afternoon and indulging in a big bowl of ice-cream! But anyway, I’m eating high calories and weighing myself every other day just to make sure I don’t lose weight since I am pregnant. That 1.5ish pounds I lost came off the first day, and since then its stayed the so I’m not too worried. 

Overall, I feel great! My skin seems to be benefitting the most. I’ve started using Belli Beauty’s skincare line, and that plus eliminating added sugars and dairy seems to be working wonders! My skin has really been all over the place for the last two years (because pregnant-nursing-pregnant...thanks hormones!) so I’ve been so happy to see it improve! 


Thursday: Lift with cleans, step ups, lunges, deadlifts, and some ab work. 

Friday: OFF 

Saturday: 4 mile run in 38:00 (9:30 pace) with bathroom stops

Sunday: 21-Minute EMOM lift: 5x Power cleans, 10x Single Arm OHS, & 8x Burpees; then a 5k row. 

Monday: 10k in 52:53 (8:30 pace) pushing Grace in the jogger

Tuesday: Late evening home life with different 3-round super sets: 10x each reverse lunge + squats; 10x each single leg deadlift + bridge; 10x side crunch + 20x curls + 20x triceps press 

Wednesday: 4 progressive miles on the treadmill; started @ 10:31 pace and finished at 8:07 (38:00 // 9:30 pace)

Overall: 3x runs for 14.2 miles and 3x strength session, plus some rower time...a pretty solid week, especially considering I was stuck at home/inside for 5 days due to snow! 

If you made it to this point...thanks for reading! See you next week! 

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