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Pregnancy #2: 21 Weeks

Week 21 was a full week of solo parenting. So I was pretty much on autopilot! Fortunately for me, Grace kicked her “wake up a 2am” habit so we managed to get some good sleep! (Except for Sunday. Sunday she was up at midnight, didn’t go back down, and didn’t want an afternoon nap). I also got to see my midwife for another good check up and followed that up with an ultrasound Tuesday! Baby boy looks good, is measuring appropriately, and it was just fun to see his face!

You may remember that my due date got moved up at my first appointment. I’m counting my weeks by my midwife’s due date, but I still am mentally planning for this baby to come on his original due date (June 6-8 window). That being said, Grace ALWAYS measured about 2 weeks ahead. She had a 23w head, legs, etc at her 21w scan. Baby boy was at his “new” due date (May 31st) size on the dot for just about every measurement. I was a little disappointed to see that, but reminded myself of the due date change and realized that it’s not that big of a deal. His size is appropriate and healthy for his gestation, and that’s what’s important!  One of my goals while Casey is gone is to eat “cleaner,” and I’m proud to say I stuck with my Whole30 meal plan all week. I’m really trying to curb my sweet tooth, or at least offer it alternatives to chocolate, and so far it’s working. So that was a huge plus for the week! 

Baby update: Little Man is about 12 inches and just under a pound. Still moving all the time! He had a solid 140 BPM heart rate at both the midwife check and the anatomy scan. (Also they confirmed that he’s definitely a boy!) Mommy update: Still up about 10 pounds, and my uniforms are getting super tight. I unbutton the pants when I sit now 😬. The Army offers a maternity uniform for free, but it’s porportions are really, really off on me because of my height. I’ll be sewing a maternity panel into my uniform pants soon!

Workouts: Thursday: Lift: deadlift, KBS, rows (standing and cable), step ups (normal and side), and some back exercises.  Friday: 4 miles at 8:50 pace with my Soldiers.  Saturday: 3.1 in 30:54 with Grace + upper body lift I shared on Instagram.  Sunday: 3.1 in 31:00, also with Grace Monday: Lower body lift focused on hamstrings and glutes (sharing this one on IG tomorrow!) Tuesday: 6.11 @ 9:07 pace!  Wednesday: 1.8 mile warm up, a pretty bush league upper body life, .7 miles cool down Overall: 5x runs for 21 miles and 4x strength session! Hoping to keep my weekly mileage around 20 per week a little longer! 🙏🏼 

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